Happy 1st MAG MAG has reached it's first birthday and according to a post by Jeremy Dunham from Zipper Interactive on the Official Playstation Blog this week is going to be filled with a bunch of freakin' sweet opportunities. You will be able to earn 256% xp for "Happy Hour" and "In-Game Bonuses". Another awesome touch to this Promotion is that all Maps in MAG will become faction neutral, so if you have been wanting to start on the S.V.E.R side of Absheron Refinery as Valor in Domination, you can do so until January 30th. "Our third and final promotion is a special “Faction Neutral” switch for the Domination and Acquisition modes. For the first time ever in MAG “Live,” our two biggest game types will switch from being PMC-specific to being open for defense by any of our three factions. Like our 256% XP bonus, this mode switch will be in operation from January 26 at 12am Pacific to January 30 at 11:59pm." ...
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